UrTlogo UrTStats

As you may have noticed, the website did not instantly follow the 4.3 release, missing 4.3 stats. You may consider the data between October 1st 2016 (4.3 release) and February 26th 2017 (UrTStats fix) incomplete. Some parts of the website still may require some work, but 4.3 figures should be properly recorded.
I wish I had time to do it earlier. I apologize for it.


Versions Players Servers
4.1 0 0% 0 0%
4.3.2 0 0% 0 0%
UNKNOWN 0 0% 0 0%
Info What mean "UNKNOWN" ?
Unknown is for all servers sending a g_modversion empty or because they changed it and removed the real game version so that's impossible to know the version.